Web Design By Mellie

Who Is Melanie?

That is a loaded question! But in all seriousness, I am a wife and a mother first and foremost. I played on my first computer back in 1989. I was a Freshman in highschool in Southern California. I programmed the computer to make the little green guy dance across the screen...and I was hooked!

Since that day, many moons ago, I have taught myself everything I know. I have used sites like Facebook and Twitter, but my love is in designing my own websites. I started out creating them for myself. Then I did a few for some friends and family members...all for free of course. The idea that I dont have a piece of paper that says I know how to do what I do stopped me for many years from even thinking about charging people for their websites.

Things are different now. I am a stay at home mom of three great kids. I want a way to contribute to my family without interupting my family. Depending on the detail involved, any site can be created in a few hours....up to a few days. I can work on these sites in the comfort of my own home, on my time, and make sure that they are up to where I believe they need to be. What more can I ask for?

What makes me think I can do this? I love to create websites. I actually find it fun. The economy is really tight right now and people need every advantage they can get. Larger companies charge THOUSANDS of dollars (I know, I looked) to create a website for someone. Then, they make it so difficult that the person cannot update the site themselves. Hence, allowing them to charge even more for even the most mundane of updates.

I dont want to take advantage of people like that. I want to create something that you will understand. Something that will help you make money, not keep draining your pocketbook. But mostly, I want to create something that will help you succeed at your dreams!